Stephanie Hill

Hi I’m Stephanie welcome to my booking site!! I’m looking forward to having you in my chair! Here are a couple things to know before your appt: ❤️I don’t do red or fashion hair color❤️ 🤍My phone number is 2527178245 and insta is @stephaniehillhair if you need to context me! 🤍I include the timing for haircuts/trims in all of my color services, so no need to add it on to your selected color. If you would like a cut just let me know at your appt and we can definitely do so! It will be an extra $20-$35 added on to your color price depending on the cut you want! 🤍 A toner is also included in your color service but a root smudge\root shadow will be an extra $25 added on to your color price unless you picked a service that already includes it in the description! 🤍It’s completely fine to come with dirty hair but just not super dirty because it can affect the way the color takes! 🤍Lastly if your a new client or just wanting something new I ask that you beforehand send me a Pinterest/google picture of the color your wanting via text message or insta DM so we can both have a better understanding of what you want!! Thank you and hope to see you soon🫶

Business Hours

2 PM - 6 PM
11 AM - 6:30 PM
10 AM - 6:30 PM
9 AM - 6:30 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 1 PM

Cancellation Policy

We get it that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel. If you are unable to make the appointment, please kindly notify Stephanie Hill at 2527178245 or as soon as possible to reschedule.